Subhumans (Canada)
Menace GLC
Clash Rainbow
The Moors Murders
Snivelling Shits
Sick Pistols
moor murderers,
"My personnal view on Punk Rock is that it's nauseating, disgusting, degrading, ghastly, sleazy, puriant, yoyeuristic, and generally nauseating. I think that just about covers it as far as I'm concerned".- GLC Councillor Bernard Brook Partridge
(Winter 1976)
a is for B is for BLACK FLAGC is for 
d is for Damned
"I enjoy listening to old 78s of the Berlin Music Hall. My father was over there just after the war and one of my earliest childhood memories is of him playing his collection of German 78s".
moors murderers
you have to destroy to create
New York Dolls were the living dead and by March 1975 they had died (some literally see Billy Murcia) and splintered But they left behind pouts, attitude and heroin. And they were exceedingly good at being bad. They were described as being dressed like "a bunch of Portorican Hookers" and were destined for punk rock nastiness for poor inspiration and Johnny Thunders guitar licks. "The Dolls were and still are a legend in their own lifetime. A unique act of outrage that poked a pink tongue between glossy red lips and jutted a shiny groin right into the face of redneck America with a boil on it's backside called Vietnam" - Edwin Pouncey, Sounds.
The Damned were renowned for their chaotic early performances on and off stage. High energy and intense attack made em one of the most explosive performers in the the burgeoning punk scene. They messed up badly.
"The Damned wouldn't get in the coach with us. That wasn't nice. They followed behind in this little transit. Mind you, we wouldn't have filth like that in our coach".
Eater the youngest punk band on the original UK punk scene were known to kick around a Pigs head on stage during their stage favourite 'No Brains'. And they are actually filmed doing it down the Roxy on Don Letts his film Punk Rock Movie The well named Andy Blade was prone to chopping the Pigs head up on stage with a hatchet.
The Pork Dukes certainly proved to be one of the more unsavoury outfits under the punk banner on record. They managed to release quite a lot of banned bt humourous records at the arse end of 1977 and 1978 with titles like 'Telephone Masturbator' and 'Bend And Flush'. Their biggest scandal however proved to be that they were in actual fact accomplished straight musicians acting out a punk sideshow under psydenoms. And still remain a mystery today.
Skrewdriver from innocent sunny Blackpool in the UK turned from being a bottom of the bill punk outfit down the Roxy in 1977 into one the UK's most notorious nazi skinhead bands the late 70's scene produced. Hated with a vengeance by the time the 1980's rolled around they were on every ANL hitlist from John 0' Groats to lands end. And to this day are seen like the pistols were to the European nazi Oi movement chief inspirations.
Raped were another band who really got up the noses of every paremnt in the ULK and the so-called left wing Rough Trade record shop on the Portobello Road. For theyre debut 45 Pretty Paedophiles realeased in January 1978 was deemed unfit not for its shocking title but foir the bands choice of name. They deemed em an affront to Womens Rights.
Iggy Pop will always be one performer who goes out on a limb be it in performance or on record. Hes been doing it since the last 60's but is one performer who most suits the grandaddy of punk. This man bounced around stages sirvived death trips and come out the other side from Mental Health trattment all be it in a more than healthy state of mind.
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Paul Weller fights Aussie Rugby stars Dec 19th 77 in Leeds hotel
When we were told it was gig time, I went running down the steep stairs toward the stage. I wasn't thinking about anything but getting out there. I turned a corner on the steps and ran full on into Dave Vanian, The Damned's singer. He was dressed to the hilt in his vampire gear. I nearly knocked him over. I felt like such a jerk. He was cool though. He extended his hand & said 'hello'. I was tripping out on that as I went down the stairs. A guy who's records I had listened to for years and all I could do was nearly send him flying down a flight of stairs".